How To Prepare A Custom Packaging Design Brief

How To Prepare A Custom Packaging Design Brief

Check out our free Design Brief Template below!

A structural packaging design brief is the first step in developing custom packaging. To develop your custom packaging project quickly, CPG brands need to be prepared before engaging potential suppliers. Your design brief should include the following elements:

  • Product Information - A detailed description of the product, including its size, shape, weight, and any unique features that could impact the packaging design. In some cases, your packaging supplier will need samples or a CAD drawing of your product to develop your packaging.


  • Packaging Objectives - A list of specific goals for the packaging, such as protecting your product during shipping, standing out on shelves, saving on your COGs, or reducing material waste.

    You can find tips for establishing your packaging objectives here.

  • Packaging Type and Style - A description of the desired packaging type, such as a RSC shipping box, shippable mailer, or food safe container, and the preferred style, such as minimalist, bold, or playful.

If you need a shippable mailer style box, check out our stock sizes.

  • Distribution Channel Information - How is your product getting to your customers? The most common avenues are retail and direct to consumer. Each will have specific considerations for packaging development. If you are working with 3PL, it’s important to know what machinery is available at the facility for assembling or packing. Some packaging designs require machine assembly, and some are designed to be assembled and filled by hand. 

  • Budget and Timeline - A clear outline of the project budget and timeline, including any specific milestones or deadlines.

  • Printing and Finishing - A description of any desired printing or finishing techniques, or some examples from other brands of the graphic design you’d like to incorporate. This helps suppliers quote your boxes most efficiently.

    Some of the most common print types are digital, flexo, and offset.

  • Testing and Approval - Any required testing or approval processes, such as drop testing or ship testing. 

By including these elements in a structural packaging design brief, you can ensure that the designer has a clear understanding of the project requirements. This way they can develop a packaging design that meets your unique needs. This can help save time, reduce costs, and ensure that the packaging design is effective and efficient.

Download our free Design Brief Template to get started!

  • Open the link

  • Select “File” then “Make a Copy”

  • Customize and edit in Google Slides!

Download our free design brief template to prepare for your first custom packaging project!

Our team of experts can help you take your custom packaging project from the idea stage to delivery. Schedule a quick meeting with us to get started.

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